Wednesday, 9 May 2012

BGT Semi Final Tuesdays round up of it and BGMT By Lou Lou

Hello All and here we go with Tuesday's  Semi Final we had

Ashley Elliot,Lucky,Area 51,Honey Shazed,Loveable Rogues,The Zimmers,Molly Rainford
Twit and Pulse Dance Company and Dennis Egel.
All i must say were very good and it was a good mix of acts which is what we need for BGT
The Loveable Rogues got in the final with the Public vote then it went to the Judges and it
was between Twist and Pulse Dance Company or Molly Rainford and it went to a draw with
the Judges so it went back to the Public vote which they put Molly in the Final's.

Now The Opening of BGMT comes with Stephen walking in

the studio with the over voice Introducing Stephen as.....

"He would take you for a drink on Tuesday and Make Love to you by Wednesday yes it's
Britain's Got More Talent with Stephen Mulhern"
What a Entrance :-) So watch out if he offers you a drink any one ;-) hehe.

Then Amanda's idea to hide under the desk to fall Stephen

and Amanda got David to do it with her too so it looked like only Alesha was there for
Stephen to Interview Stephen's Face was a Picture when he found out they were hiding
under the table from him.

Mulhern's Moment of the Night was Dennis Egel


Our Mullers was looking lovely as always and as beautiful as ever,There wass Loads of Stephen's innuendo's which we all love BGMT is the best Program by far.

Stephen put on Dennis shower cap on dont it just suit him nice :-)

Stephen had many guests on his show on tuesday which one was LMFAO who he interviewed and then he got the Zimmers in the stuido to Join in a Dance with LMFAO and Stephen put a box face on his head and joined in too.
Then Stephen said at more talent we like to give it from behind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it is the way Stephen says things We do Love it Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our very own Gemma her tweet made it to the show again you go girl i just hope Stephen wears a purple tie one night please lol.

And Guess what we had Beer Pong Yet Again !!!!!!!

What are the chances of that it was between LMFAO and Caroline Flack and LMFAO won

The End

Here is to tonight's show i wonder who will go into the final's we will find out and look forward
to Gemma's Blog on Tonight's Show 2mo.Hope you enjoyed the Blog.
Its sad its all coming to a end soon will miss bgt and bgmt this is my last blog for bgt and i will see you in the near furture with another blog about stephen with his next big thing he does will look forward to it.
A Question before i go Who do you think should have the wild card?
lots of love
Lou Lou

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